Terms of Service

Agree to our terms of service to access The Access Box's features and services.

  1. Welcome
    1. The Access Box runs a system that makes it easier for users to share certain online services by creating and joining Households. This allows for communication, shared subscription costs, and payment arrangements. All of this is offered through the Access Box website, accessible at www.theaccessbox.com (“The Access Box“).
    2. The Access Box is operated by The Access Box Limited (“The Access Box“, “we“, “our“ or “us“).
  2. Sharing access to online services can come with certain risks and it is important to be aware of the potential dangers.
    1. When offering to share access to an online service, it is important to verify compliance with the service's terms and conditions, including limitations on the number of individuals who can be given access and the nature of your relationship with them (the “Sharing Rules“).
    2. Before creating or joining a new Household, we require confirmation that you have read and agree to comply with the Sharing Rules related to the online service being shared or used.
    3. It is your responsibility to abide by the relevant Sharing Rules. We will not be held accountable for any damages you may incur if access to an online service is restricted due to non-compliance with the Sharing Rules or misuse of The Access Box.
    4. In the event that we suspect a breach of the terms set by the online service provider during access sharing, we reserve the right to immediately discontinue or revoke your access to The Access Box.
    5. The Access Box has the right to implement automatic restrictions on sharing common services. We may immediately suspend or terminate your access to The Access Box if you attempt to circumvent these restrictions.
    6. To use the payment features of The Access Box, identity verification checks will be performed. If these checks cannot be completed, we reserve the right to withhold some or all of the features of The Access Box.
  3. The relationship between you and us
    1. This document and any related documents (referred to as the "Terms of Service") define the terms of our relationship. It is crucial to carefully read and comprehend the Terms of Service before using The Access Box.
    2. This includes your compliance with the terms and conditions outlined in this document and any other policies that may apply. It defines our rights and obligations towards each other, and serves as the basis for our interaction. By using and accessing The Access Box, you agree to these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, please do not use The Access Box.
  4. Information about us
    1. The Access Box is registered in the United States of America with its registered address at 4325 E W.T. Harris Boulevard – Suite 43584, Charlotte, NC 28215 USA.
  5. Information about you
    1. Protecting your privacy is of great importance to us. Please take the time to review our Privacy Policy to understand how we gather, utilize, and share information about you.
  6. The Access Box
    1. The Access Box is a digital platform that enables users to search for and connect with other users to share the price of and arrange payment for online services that provide household subscription options.
    2. Occasionally, social features may be made available on The Access Box, allowing you to communicate and share information about your experiences with The Access Box with other users. These social features must be used in accordance with our Rules of Acceptable Use.
  7. Accessing The Access Box
    1. To utilize The Access Box, you need to establish an account (referred to as your "Account"). This can be done by:
      1. Entering your name, email address and creating a password for your Account. We encourage you to use “strong” passwords (A strong password is a password that is difficult for others to guess or crack. A strong password typically includes a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. It should also be at least 12 characters long and not contain personal information such as your name, date of birth, or common words found in a dictionary. To ensure the security of your account, it's recommended to use a unique password that has not been used for other accounts and to regularly change it) with your Account; or
      2. Logging in using your Facebook or Google account.
    2. In order to use The Access Box, you must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding agreement in your country of residence.
  8. Your right concerning the use of The Access Box
    1. The content and materials found on The Access Box are either owned by us or by our third-party licensors. We provide you with a limited and non-exclusive right to use these materials and content solely for the purpose of using The Access Box according to the Terms of Service.
    2. The privilege of accessing and utilizing The Access Box is exclusively attributed to you and cannot be delegated to any other person. The fact that we have granted you this privilege does not hinder our ability to extend the same or similar privileges to other individuals.
    3. To abide by the terms outlined in these Terms of Service and as authorized by the capabilities of The Access Box, you concur to:
      1. Refrain from duplicating, or attempting to duplicate, any aspect of The Access Box;
      2. Refrain from distributing or selling, or making any part of The Access Box accessible to others;
      3. Refrain from altering or attempting to alter any part of The Access Box in any manner;
      4. Avoid attempting to uncover or access the code of any part of The Access Box which has not been deliberately made public for general use by us.
    4. You acknowledge that The Access Box contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property belonging to us or our licensors and that these rights are protected by applicable laws. You agree not to use, copy, distribute, modify or otherwise exploit such proprietary information or intellectual property in any way except as specifically permitted in these Terms of Service.
    5. You acknowledge that your use of The Access Box is limited to the terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Service and that you have no other rights or ownership claims to any part of The Access Box except for the authorized use specified in these Terms of Service.
  9. Creating a Household for Sharing and Payment
    1. When you create a space to share access to an online service through your account (a “Household“), you need to specify the service by either choosing it from a list of commonly shared services or by manually entering its name. Additionally, you need to:
      1. Enter a short description of the online service;
      2. Choose a profile picture for the Household (either by uploading a picture or choosing from one of the standard images on The Access Box);
      3. Select the number of people that can join the Household;
      4. Enter the amount you pay for your access to the online service (the “Service Price“);
      5. Select whether the Household will be publicly searchable on The Access Box; and
      6. Confirm that you have read and agree to the Sharing Rules applicable to the online service.
    2. You are responsible for ensuring that:
      1. As the holder of the account for the online service, it is your responsibility to ensure that you possess the necessary rights to allow members of the Household access to the said service;
      2. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide regarding the household and the account holder of the online service is accurate and in compliance with the sharing rules set by the online service
    3. You must not:
      1. Establish a Household pertaining to an online service that you have taken advantage of the trial offer for;
      2. Create multiple Households in relation to the same subscribed online service account;
      3. Endeavor to derive financial gain from utilizing The Access Box or utilize The Access Box for commercial purposes;
      4. Attempt to subvert any limitations imposed on The Access Box when creating a household for a commonly shared service, such as by manually entering a name that closely resembles the name of said service;
      5. Invite or accept an invitation from individuals who do not align with the eligibility criteria set forth by the relevant sharing rules for accessing the respective online service through your Household;
      6. Agree to join or invite a greater number of users to your Household than the number permitted by the sharing rules of the relevant online service is prohibited; or
      7. Grant access to an online service in a manner that is in violation of the sharing rules established by the relevant online service.
    4. We may monitor your activity on The Access Box to ensure that you comply with paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3. Failure to do so constitutes a serious breach of these Terms of Service, and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions (with or without notice):
      1. Suspension or termination of your right to use The Access Box, and/or initiation of legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of all costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach;
      2. You will be liable for any and all damages resulting from such unauthorized sharing or use, including without limitation any fees or charges imposed by the applicable online service provider;
      3. Disclosure of any information related to your non-compliance with paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3 to law enforcement agencies as we deem appropriate.
    5. The actions described in paragraph 9.4 are not exhaustive and we may undertake any additional measures that we consider appropriate.
    6. As a Household Administrator you can remove other users from your Household if:
      1. They fail to make any payments;
      2. Behave in an offensive manner or submit content that contains nudity or violence or is abusive, threatening, obscene, misleading, untrue or offensive; or
      3. They breach these Terms of Service or the sharing rules of the applicable online service, or if you no longer wish to share access to the online service with them. You acknowledge that removing a user from your Household may not immediately result in that user’s access to the shared online service being revoked, and that it is your responsibility to ensure that the user’s access is terminated in accordance with the sharing rules of the applicable online service.
      4. Otherwise breach our Rules of Acceptable Use below.
    7. As a Household Administrator, you retain the authority to expel other members from your established household. However, a household can only be disbanded if it is devoid of any additional members, or if the designated duration for which the household was established has lapsed.
  10. Joining a Household
    1. You can join a Household by:
      1. Accepting an invite from the user that created the Household (a “Household Administrator“);
      2. Searching public Households and submitting a request to join a particular Household to the Household Administrator; or
      3. Searching for Households created by your contacts on any social media account that you link to The Access Box and submitting a request to join a particular Household to the Household Administrator.
    2. By joining a Houshould you confirm and acknowledge your relationship to the Household administrator is in compliance with the sharing rules of all applicable online services available to that Household. You must not misrepresent this relationship or attempt to:
      1. Join a Household that consists of users with whom you are not permitted to share access to the applicable online service in accordance with the applicable sharing rules;
      2. Circumvent any restrictions on The Access Box on the individuals with whom access to an online service may be shared; or
      3. Breach or otherwise facilitate any breach of an online service’s sharing rules.
    3. We may monitor your activity on The Access Box to ensure that you comply with paragraph 10.2. Failure to do so constitutes a serious breach of these Terms of Service, and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions (with or without notice):
      1. Suspension or termination of your right to use The Access Box, and/or initiation of legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of all costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach;
      2. You will be liable for any and all damages resulting from such unauthorized sharing or use, including without limitation any fees or charges imposed by the applicable online service provider;
      3. Disclosure of relevant information to competent legal authorities to the extent deemed reasonably necessary.
    4. We may monitor your activity on The Access Box to ensure that you comply with paragraph 10.2. Failure to do so constitutes a serious breach of these Terms of Service, and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions (with or without notice):
  11. Wallet
    1. If you are a Household Administrator, any amounts paid to you by other members of your Household will be stored in a “wallet” which is linked to, and accessible through your Account (your “The Access Box Wallet“).
    2. The Access Box Wallet uses Stripe and is governed by the Stripe Connected Account Agreement and Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By using The Access Box, you agree to these terms. You must provide accurate information about yourself and your business to The Access Box and allow them to share it and your transaction information with Stripe.
  12. Fees and Payment
    1. You do not need to pay us a fee to create an Account or to browse Households. However, when you have found and joined a Household through The Access Box, there may be a requirement upgrade your tier of subscription depending on the dynamics of the Household you wish to join or create. We must also charge you an administration fee for your use of The Access Box (the “Admin Fee“) each time you make a payment a Household shared through The Access Box. If you are a Household Administrator, you will also be charged an administration fee each time you arrange to transfer an amount from your The Access Box Wallet to your bank account or other payment method (the “Transfer Fee“).
    2. The Administration Fee will be $3.50 regardless of the amount that members of the Household give to the User, who is the Household Admin, in relation to their use of the online service (the “Cost to Member“). A Transfer Fee of $3.50 will be applied, whenever the user transfers a sum of money from his/her The Access Box Wallet to his/her bank account or other payment method.
    3. By asking to join a Household, you give us permission to charge your credit or debit card for the necessary fees, and confirm that the information you provide is correct and that you're authorized to use the payment method.
    4. If you fail to pay, we may temporarily block access to the Household or The Access Box until payment is received, or we may end your use of The Access Box if payments are consistently missed.
    5. To use the Household and The Access Box, you need to provide current credit or debit card information. If you join a Household, we will charge the relevant fee to your card. Keep your payment information updated or your access to the Household and The Access Box may be suspended or terminated if you don't make payments. If you provide incorrect account information, we cannot credit your account with the payments from the members of the Household.
    6. Payment processing services for Users on The Access Box are provided by Stripe and are subject to the Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service (collectively, the “Stripe Services Agreement”). By using The Access Box, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Stripe Services Agreement, which may be changed by Stripe from time to time. You also agree to provide The Access Box with accurate information about yourself and your business, and authorize The Access Box to share this information and transaction details with Stripe for payment processing purposes.
  13. Validation Period
    1. We will delay releasing payments to the Household Admin for 30 days to make sure the Household is legitimate and protect our users.
    2. The user may request a refund of the Admin Fee from Household Administrator if the Household is not as described once joined but issuance of the refund is at the discretion of the Household Administration.
    3. The user should only be joining Households created by users that they are familiar with, therefore refund can be handled outside of The Access Box. The user understands that by using The Access Box the contract becomes binding and fully signed. Consequently, the User expressly waives his/her right of withdrawal when using The Access Box.
  14. Verifying your identity
    1. We may require you to verify your identity in order to access certain features of The Access Box, a process commonly referred to as "Know Your Customer" or "KYC". This could be necessary if the transactions made through your The Access Box Wallet surpass specific limits.
    2. To verify your identity, you must provide accurate information. Inaccuracies in the information provided may prevent us from successfully verifying your identity.
    3. Your identity may be subject to verification including, but not limited to, validation against third party databases or the verification of one of more official government or legal documents that confirm your identity and your place of residence.
    4. We may refuse to provide you with some or all of The Access Box if we are unable to verify your identity. We may also suspend your Account if you do not provide this information within 7 days after we ask you to do so.
  15. Money laundering
    1. We take strong measures to ensure that we do not facilitate or support any illegal activities, including money laundering, financing terrorism, or other criminal activities. As a result, we may periodically review and update our processes and procedures to maintain these standards. This includes:
      1. In the event that there is a suspicion of illicit behavior, or as part of our ongoing risk mitigation strategies, we may undertake enhanced or periodic assessments of our clients' identities.
      2. We will closely monitor your usage of The Access Box in order to detect any transactions that may be indicative of suspicious activity, such as anomalous transaction sizes, frequencies, or patterns; and
      3. Should we encounter any transactions that raise suspicions, we will promptly inform the relevant regulatory authorities, law enforcement entities, and other compliance organizations.
    2. In certain circumstances, we may choose to deny you access to all or a portion of The Access Box, including but not limited to the following scenarios:
      1. In the event that there is a suspicion of illicit behavior, or as part of our ongoing risk mitigation strategies, we may undertake enhanced or periodic assessments of our clients' identities.
      2. We will closely monitor your usage of The Access Box in order to detect any transactions that may be indicative of suspicious activity, such as anomalous transaction sizes, frequencies, or patterns; and
      3. Should we encounter any transactions that raise suspicions, we will promptly inform the relevant regulatory authorities, law enforcement entities, and other compliance organizations.
    3. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue any aspect of The Access Box if we have reason to believe that you are utilizing it for illegal purposes.
  16. Your content
    1. You affirm that all images, texts, or information that you upload to The Access Box, including any public comments you make about a Household (collectively referred to as your "User Content"), will adhere to the Rules of Acceptable Use.
    2. We do not hold proprietary rights to your User Content, which will remain the property of you and any third party whose content you incorporate into your User Content. Instead, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and perpetual license to utilize, duplicate, reproduce, distribute, modify, reformat, translate, sublicense, and otherwise make available your User Content in any form or medium, for the purposes of providing The Access Box (including enabling other users that you have granted access to your User Content to view and use it).
    3. You must guarantee that you have the authority to grant us the above license for any content owned by a third party that you include in your User Content.
    4. Our use of your User Content does not in any way impact your privacy rights. For information on how we use your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
    5. We retain the right to monitor any User Content (including any messages you send to other users) and to refuse, reject, or remove any User Content that we believe violates the Rules of Acceptable Use.
  17. Rules of Acceptable Use
    1. In addition to the other obligations outlined in these Terms of Service, this section outlines specific regulations that pertain to your utilization of The Access Box (the “Rules of Acceptable Use“).
    2. This section outlines a list of activities that are prohibited when using The Access Box. By adhering to these restrictions, users can help ensure that The Access Box remains a secure and respectful platform for all users. These restrictions include:
      1. Circumventing or disrupting the protective measures of The Access Box;
      2. Attempting to negotiate remuneration or establish contact with another user extraneous to The Access Box;
      3. Utilizing The Access Box for commercial endeavors or accepting compensation for the utilization of The Access Box that is not explicitly authorized in the terms of service;
      4. Furnishing false or deceptive information or purporting to be another individual;
      5. Violating any sharing regulations or promoting illegal or illicit behavior;
      6. Advocating or promoting goods or services through The Access Box;
      7. Advocating, promoting, or engaging in any illegal or illicit behavior, including criminal activities, fraud, money laundering, or actions that result in harm or damage to any person or property;
      8. Advocating or promoting any goods or services on The Access Box;
      9. Transmitting any unsolicited marketing communications via The Access Box;
      10. Altering, interfering, intercepting, disrupting, or compromising The Access Box;
      11. Misusing The Access Box by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs, or other harmful material that could damage The Access Box or the equipment of its users;
      12. Collecting any data from The Access Box that is not in accordance with these Terms of Service;
      13. Submitting or contributing any User Content that contains nudity, violence, or is abusive, threatening, obscene, misleading, untrue, or offensive;
      14. Submitting or contributing any User Content that you do not possess the rights to use, or infringe upon the copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights of third parties;
      15. Utilizing any User Content in contravention of any licensing terms specified by the owner;
      16. Submitting or contributing any information or commentary about another person without their express permission (including leaving a review of a user who is not the Household Administrator of your Household or, if you are a Household Administrator, a member of your Household);
      17. Threatening, abusing, or invading the privacy of another, causing annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety, or engaging in behavior that is likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person; or
      18. Employing any automated system, including, but not limited to, "robots," "spiders," or "offline readers," to access The Access Box in a manner that generates more request messages to The Access Box than a human can reasonably produce in the same period of time.
    3. Failure to comply with the Rules of Acceptable Use constitutes a serious breach of these Terms of Service, and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions (with or without notice):
      1. Immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use The Access Box;
      2. Issuing of a warning to you;
      3. Legal action against you including proceedings for reimbursement of all prices (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal prices) resulting from the breach;
      4. Disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary.
    4. The responses described in paragraph 16.3 are not limited, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate.
  18. Notice and takedown policy
    1. Any person may contact us by sending us a notice (an “Infringement Notice“) if any content available through The Access Box infringes their rights. The Infringement Notice should be sent by email to [email protected]. Please provide the following information in the Infringement Notice:
      1. Your name and contact details;
      2. A statement explaining in sufficient detail why you consider that the content available through The Access Box infringes your rights or fails to comply with our Rules of Acceptable Use; and
      3. A link to or such other means of identifying the problematic content.
    2. We will take the action that we believe is appropriate depending on the nature of the Infringement Notice and will aim to respond to you within a reasonable period of time on the action we propose to take.
  19. Ending our relationship
    1. If at any time you do not feel that you can agree to these Terms of Service or any changes made to the Terms of Service or The Access Box, you must immediately stop using The Access Box.
    2. You must notify us if you wish to close your Account by contacting us at [email protected], and we will end your use of The Access Box.
    3. We may immediately end your use of The Access Box if you break the Rules of Acceptable Use, any other important rule(s), or terms and conditions we set for accessing and using The Access Box including these Terms of Service.
    4. We may limit the functionalities of The Access Box available to you, suspend your use of The Access Box or end your use of The Access Box if you have received at least three reviews from other users on The Access Box and your average review score is not greater than 3 out of 5.
    5. We may also withdraw The Access Box as long as we give you reasonable notice that we plan to do this.
    6. If you or we end your use of The Access Box or we withdraw The Access Box as described in this section, we may delete your User Content, any other information that you have uploaded to The Access Box or any other information we hold about you. You will also lose any rights you have to use The Access Box or to access our content or your User Content. You should therefore ensure that you keep a copy of any information or content you use on The Access Box, as well as your User Content, as we will not offer you compensation for any losses you might suffer if you lose your rights to access and use The Access Box or any such information, content or User Content.
    7. The termination of your use of The Access Box and the cancellation of your Account shall not affect any of your obligations to pay any sums due to us.
    8. Nothing in this clause 18 affects any legal rights you may have under the law of the country in which you are resident.
  20. Our liability/responsibility to you
    1. While we do our best to ensure that the features and functionalities of The Access Box are of a reasonably satisfactory standard, certain features may rely on networks and connections that are beyond our control. Some of the information provided to you on The Access Box may also contain content owned or developed by third parties. As we do not own or produce such third party content, we cannot be responsible for it in any way.
    2. We will also not be responsible to you in respect of the performance of, or content made available on any online service that you access, or in respect of any problems you experience accessing the online service, including as a result of:
      1. Anything that you or another user has done (such as failing to pay any subscription fees or breaching the sharing rules);
      2. The unavailability of the online service; or
      3. The online service otherwise suspending or ending a Household Administrator’s access for any reason.
    3. In addition, due to the nature of the Internet and technology, The Access Box is provided on an “as available” and “as is” basis. This means that we are unable to promise that your use of The Access Box will be uninterrupted, without delays, error-free or meet your expectations and we do not give any commitment relating to the performance or availability of The Access Box in these Terms of Service and, to the extent we are able to do so, we exclude any commitments that may be implied by law.
    4. In the event of a claim arising out of the provision of The Access Box, our responsibility to you will never be more than the Admin Fees you have paid us in the 12 months prior to the claim arising and, in the event that you have not paid us any money, we shall have no responsibility whatsoever to you.
    5. In every case, we will never be responsible for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable, or that is caused by a failure by you to comply with these Terms of Service.
    6. The above does not affect your rights under the applicable law of the country in which you are resident, including our responsibility to you for any personal injury or death caused by our negligence.
  21. Resolving disputes
    1. If you have a dispute with us relating to The Access Box, in the first instance please contact us at [email protected] and attempt to resolve the dispute with us informally.
    2. In the unlikely event that we have not been able to resolve a dispute informally, we will discuss and agree with you the most effective way of resolving our dispute.
  22. Changes to The Access Box
    1. We are constantly updating and improving The Access Box to try and find ways to provide you with new and innovative features and services. Improvements and updates are also made to reflect changing technologies, tastes, behaviours and the way people use the Internet and The Access Box.
    2. In order to do this, we may need to update, reset, stop offering and/or supporting a particular part of The Access Box, or feature relating to The Access Box (“changes to The Access Box“). These changes to The Access Box may affect your past activities on The Access Box, certain features that you use, your User Content and any other information you submit to The Access Box (“Service Elements“). Any changes to The Access Box could involve your Service Elements being deleted or reset.
    3. You agree that a key characteristic of The Access Box is that changes to The Access Box will take place over time and this is an important basis on which we grant you access to The Access Box. Once we have made changes to The Access Box, your continued use of The Access Box will show that you have accepted any changes to The Access Box. You are always free to stop using The Access Box.
  23. Changes to the documents
    1. We may revise these Terms of Service from time to time.
    2. Changes will usually occur because of new features being added to The Access Box, changes in the law or where we need to clarify our position on something.
    3. Normally, we will try to give you some warning before the new terms become effective. However, sometimes changes will need to be made immediately and if this happens we will not give you any notice.
  24. Documents that apply to our relationship with you
    1. The current version of the Terms of Service contains the only terms and conditions that apply to our relationship with you.
    2. We intend to rely on these Terms of Service as setting out the written terms of our agreement with you for the provision of The Access Box. If part of the Terms of Service cannot be enforced then the remainder of the Terms of Service will still apply to our relationship.
    3. If you do not comply with these Terms of Service and we do not take action immediately, this does not mean we have given up any right we have and we may still take action in the future.
  25. Severability
    1. If any provision of these Terms of Service is judged to be illegal or unenforceable, this will not affect the continuation in full force and effect of the remainder of the provisions.
  26. Severability
    1. United States law will apply to all disputes and the interpretation of these Terms of Service. The United States courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from or related to your use of The Access Box. This does not, however, affect your rights under the law of the country in which you are resident, including (where applicable) your right to have a dispute in relation to your use of The Access Box heard in the courts of that country.
  27. Severability
    1. If you need to contact us in relation to these Terms of Service or any other document mentioned in them, please email us at [email protected].
    2. We value hearing from our users, and are always interested in learning about ways we can improve The Access Box. By providing your feedback you agree that you are giving up any rights you have in your feedback so that we may use and allow others to use it without any restriction and without any payment to you.