Frequently Asked Questions

This is completely up to the user's discretion. Please read the Terms & Conditions for The Access Box for more details as well as the Terms & Conditions of the subscriptions you are wishing to share.

The administrator has full control over how the bill should be split. Powered by Stripe, The Access Box debits money from household members and then credits the money to the administrator, who then pays the bill.

You, as the user, will be notified by email about all changes to the household, including price changes. If the price changes for the household and you choose to no longer be a part of that household, you can simply choose to leave the household. Once you leave, you will no longer be charged.

Still have a question?

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email us.
Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

[email protected]

We're here to help!